Saturday, April 2, 2011

KOPAC Presidents Report 2011

30th March 2011

Welcome to our 2011 Annual General Meeting.

KOPAC – What does it mean to you?

Kahui – yes we have visited the Hut

Outdoor – we certainly do outdoor projects

Pursuits – we are trying very hard to keep the club going

Alpine – overseas students have been to the summit with our help

Club – a few people doing fun stuff, hoping to encourage more people to do the same.

I believe the past year has been difficult for the club, with many other sports and activities impacting on membership and participation, it has been noted in other publications that sports clubs around the country are having the same issues and there seems to be no miracle cure for this.

The events we have organized throughout the year remain interesting and varied. Something for everyone we hope.

So what have we completed in the past year?

Finally saw Len P’s replica lighthouse on Bayley Rd.

Had a lovely relaxing weekend at Kiritahere in the rain.

Have been to Kahui Hut and beyond to Black Rock for an explore.

Have seen the Pouakai Rafts.

Had a BBQ at Mangamahoe, completed mountain bike trips to Marton and Ohakune.

The Lodge has had regular visits with the wood shed re designed and stocked with wood from Len P’s. All ready for winter.

Other places we have visited were Lake Rotokare, Tupare Gardens, Arthouse Theatre, Kaupokanui Falls, there has also been orienteering, SAR Training, and Club talks.

Our magazine is still published with the committee adopting a bi-monthly edition to save time and travel, our committee meetings have also taken on the same format – it has taken a bit more forward thinking but has freed up more time for the committee members.

Elaine has been Editor since March 2004 and has diligently recorded our articles and information, thank you for your valuable time. You have suffered silently for 7 years. Your work has been greatly appreciated; Elaine has decided it is time for someone else to take on this task.

Thank you to all who helped with the slink calf run, it has once again proved very profitable.

For that something a little different we have the KOPAC Photo Mystery location Challenge – Good luck to everyone. It has certainly made me take more notice of my surroundings.

Our summit climb this year unfortunately had to be cancelled due to bad weather both Saturday and Sunday, however Len A and Higgi have taken a few up mid–week so they can achieve this goal. Thank you for taking the time away from the farm to do this.

The Lodge is getting regular use and it is pleasing to note most look after and care for it, there are some however who need a quiet reminder.

We will also have a little change in our meeting tonight and at the conclusion of our AGM a general committee meeting will be held to do a trips programme for the next couple of months, so get your thinking caps on, and let us know where and what you wish to do next.

Thank you to all who have taken time out from your busy lives to venture out, I’m looking forward to more adventures in the next 12 months.

Sharon Adamson, KOPAC President

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